So as always I am back to being my stupid self and that is something I hate the most about me. Can’t for once things be as I want them to be? Can’t I ever be selfish and shout at others when I don’t get my way? Why the hell do I have to think so much before I do anything, anything as in I think a lot even before I buy a toothpick or I say something to someone? Had I been an animal, like a cat or a dog I could have been dead by now, some truck would have smashed me and the municipality would have dumped me in the garbage. I guess that would have been far better than what I am going through right now. And the biggest problem of all, I can’t say anything to anyone and still I am writing all of this in the blog?
Whatever. Let’s talk about something better. Better as in what, I don’t even know that. I don’t know what else to actually talk about. Though the song I am listening to right now-"Join me in Death" by H.I.M is pretty good and I am going mad. But even madness is so powerful and gives one so much of energy to do things which otherwise I wouldn’t have dared to do. Akon’s song, "The Sweetest Girl", is also nice though have not heard much of the lyrics but is nice. But Sean Kingston’s “I will take you there” is a perfect song man. Great lyrics and makes me wish that I was there with Sean and the song is like a sweet escape except that as soon as it ends one is hurled back to reality. Songs can very well cheer me up and music is something I really appreciate a lot and the people who give up their life just to leave us all with sweet sounds is just to wonderful and believe me those were some lives worth living for. I myself am a super bad singer nor am I a musician but I guess that I can understand music well and that is what helps me in appreciating the efforts of all.
What the hell did I just type out? I have no idea. Whatever it was, all is said and done and let it be as I delight in wasting other people’s time and people actually have time in reading my crap. People seem to be so nice to me to go through the pain of reading actually nothing. What a great writer, opps… Typist I am.
So once again I am back to my nonsense. Haven’t seen the Nature Boy and that idiot left early and tomorrow is my holiday so would hopefully get to see him on Monday though it hardly matters that much cause after all it is nothing and sooner or later things would change. Ohho the pessimist in me takes a leap again. But who exactly cares? So it is proven I have multiple personalities. Who doesn’t? But I am not at all concerned about anyone except ME. My gosh! I have so many chain of thoughts going on in my mind. As I type all of it out I am thinking whether I should have my dinner or should I skip it a usual? Should I start reading "Lord Jim" or keep it for tomorrow? Then I am chatting with three of my friends and one among them has already gone for dinner, another one is busy talking to his girl friend and the third one thankfully replying to my queries but at the same time obstructing my chain of wonderful thoughts as I try to recollect and type them out. But then everything is fair.
And by the way the witch seems to have cast a spell on all and even the Master of the House seems to have allowed her to pass through the doors of happiness, beauty and absolute bliss which the little girl seems to have banged for ages now. But she isn’t ready to give up as she believes that some fine day luck will be on her side and she will get what she has long deserved from life. But somehow all the effort seems futile since the girl is tired and worn out and needs someone to encourage her. She hopes that for once when she turns around she will be escorted to a new world where there will be happiness which lasts forever and ever. Though she realizes the fact life isn’t all about happiness, it needs barriers too to help us move forward.
Strange thoughts came up and the longest crap I have ever written. Don’t blame me for anything at all…it is just my thoughts.
Whatever. Let’s talk about something better. Better as in what, I don’t even know that. I don’t know what else to actually talk about. Though the song I am listening to right now-"Join me in Death" by H.I.M is pretty good and I am going mad. But even madness is so powerful and gives one so much of energy to do things which otherwise I wouldn’t have dared to do. Akon’s song, "The Sweetest Girl", is also nice though have not heard much of the lyrics but is nice. But Sean Kingston’s “I will take you there” is a perfect song man. Great lyrics and makes me wish that I was there with Sean and the song is like a sweet escape except that as soon as it ends one is hurled back to reality. Songs can very well cheer me up and music is something I really appreciate a lot and the people who give up their life just to leave us all with sweet sounds is just to wonderful and believe me those were some lives worth living for. I myself am a super bad singer nor am I a musician but I guess that I can understand music well and that is what helps me in appreciating the efforts of all.
What the hell did I just type out? I have no idea. Whatever it was, all is said and done and let it be as I delight in wasting other people’s time and people actually have time in reading my crap. People seem to be so nice to me to go through the pain of reading actually nothing. What a great writer, opps… Typist I am.
So once again I am back to my nonsense. Haven’t seen the Nature Boy and that idiot left early and tomorrow is my holiday so would hopefully get to see him on Monday though it hardly matters that much cause after all it is nothing and sooner or later things would change. Ohho the pessimist in me takes a leap again. But who exactly cares? So it is proven I have multiple personalities. Who doesn’t? But I am not at all concerned about anyone except ME. My gosh! I have so many chain of thoughts going on in my mind. As I type all of it out I am thinking whether I should have my dinner or should I skip it a usual? Should I start reading "Lord Jim" or keep it for tomorrow? Then I am chatting with three of my friends and one among them has already gone for dinner, another one is busy talking to his girl friend and the third one thankfully replying to my queries but at the same time obstructing my chain of wonderful thoughts as I try to recollect and type them out. But then everything is fair.
And by the way the witch seems to have cast a spell on all and even the Master of the House seems to have allowed her to pass through the doors of happiness, beauty and absolute bliss which the little girl seems to have banged for ages now. But she isn’t ready to give up as she believes that some fine day luck will be on her side and she will get what she has long deserved from life. But somehow all the effort seems futile since the girl is tired and worn out and needs someone to encourage her. She hopes that for once when she turns around she will be escorted to a new world where there will be happiness which lasts forever and ever. Though she realizes the fact life isn’t all about happiness, it needs barriers too to help us move forward.
Strange thoughts came up and the longest crap I have ever written. Don’t blame me for anything at all…it is just my thoughts.
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