Monday, August 11, 2008

Don't know how and why??

I did see you standing there in front of me
You, the other side of me, a part of me.
Many say you are the ugly part of my being
But you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
You, being one with the truest of Nature
How can you not be a splendid figure?
Those blind men shall ever see through us
Those eyes are so blank for both of us
But you have me for sure and it is true
That I am here always with and within you.

Stupid and strange thoughts are up and back. And strange things are happening as well. Anyways some things will have to be the way they were before and all I have to do is be patient and adjust. The lines above are stupid and will make no sense.
Saw Nature Boy today in college, after 5 days, and that idiot can’t even score a goal. Useless creature he is. He is stupid and dumb as well. Anyways Shilly-Shally actually waved at me, now that’s something totally unexpected from someone like him. Then TP and then Yellow Fellow and all of she’s and he’s.

Anyways the trip was awesome and I am back. Smiling and laughing at the seriously committed trivialities of human beings around me and I, myself am, being seriously trivial just to enjoy life to its fullest. :-)


Ruchira Mandal said...

Couldn't understand the prose part, but the poem was great.

Life full of me... said...

d poem wz inspired by a jarwa[Tribal woman] in Andaman n i hd writen it dn n dere :)

Ruchira Mandal said...

I know who Jarwas are. Been there, Andamans. But I knew aboutt hembefore that, when I was very small, I saw the movie "Shobuj Diper Raja".
You are a seriously regular blogger.