Some times things come to you without asking and that is what I believe to be is blessing. Hadn’t seen Nature Boy in the morning so thought he was absent so didn’t even cared to look for him. But suddenly there he was and I hadn’t even made an effort to go around and look for him. Anyways he acts as a sweet distraction for me in college. I don’t want to talk to him, he can just be his old self but then when he is front of me I smile and that’s more than I could ask for from anyone. So why ruin something so beautiful and so .... Others say I should talk to him because I mention so much about him in this blog of mine but I am absolutely clueless since I know not what to talk to him about and moreover I prefer things as they are right now.
Anyways the Green Goblin came around looking for me and it was surprising and sweet on his part. Never thought he would do this much for me even. I know that through his ways he tries to say a lot of things but is it ever enough for us human beings? We need more from a person and if we don’t get it then life sucks. ;-)
Again I am taking the other way around and forgot about what I was supposed to say. Came back with her and it had been ages since we have had a decent conversation and finally we got a chance today. I was glad since I had missed her for such a long time now. Maybe she is the only one in college and in my life who knows me more than even myself. And that is why she is a Super-Great Friend (S-G F) :-P wish the best for her now and always.
Nothing much except that I will have a super future and I am quite sure of it. Finally some things happened on time and I hope that everything goes well and I seriously wish that this time things actually go damn well.
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