I had heard about wisdom and wisdom tooth. Chaiji, my grandmother, would always say that once when we get old and wise, we gain not just wisdom but also wisdom tooth. So it was time for to gain some wisdom and my tooth as well. :-)
I believed that as my tooth was coming out, I was becoming more serious and mature about myself and my life. I thought I would finally have control of my life. But how very wrong I was. "Life is twisted", that is what Akon singing in my ears. And he is so right about it. Anyways back to my wisdom and its tooth.
I know I had a very silly notion about my wisdom tooth, and I believed that I was yet to have my tooth when suddenly one day my jaw started paining and I realized it was actually time for me to gain my wisdom teeth. The Dentist said that there is always a reflex pain, it feels like the tooth is coming out in the lower jaw but actually the tooth is coming out in the upper jaw. And that is what had happened with me. I thought that my lower jaw was paining because of the wisdom tooth, but it was my upper jaw which was actually in pain. So I had to go to the dentist because the pain was driving me nuts and I just couldn't bear it any longer and had to give in.
I visited the Dentist, not my regular doc, but a new one who stays very near to our place and supposedly Dad had heard that he was a good and young doc. [I doubt what youth is supposed to do with a good doc] Anyways that isn't the matter of concern. The Doc gave me a long list of tablets which I hate so much. Never in my entire life, uptil now, have I been forced to take tablets and that too 4 tablets per meal. It is yucky and I, a person who can't swallow the meds, has the worst of times trying to swallow those tablets. Still somehow I have managed it quite well [touch wood] uptil now.
Sunday which is supposed to be a fun day, wasn't a bit of it. It was the day, the doc was supposed to extract my wisdom tooth and even my wisdom. I was scared and a little disappointed a little. I so want to keep my wisdom tooth with me and didn't want to part ways with it. But according to the doc, it would have been wise if I go with the extraction procedure or otherwise I would have a problem for the rest of my life. Even though completely against it, I finally gave in to the wishes of my dad and the doc.
In the morning I was calm and quite, trying my best not to think about the extraction procedure. So I started watching "Kate and Leopold" and realized that I love the movie and can watch it over and over again. Hugh Jackman is just perfect in that movie and more on the movie some other time. After the movie I got ready to go to the doctor, it was time. Mom was to accompawny me, usually dad has always been there with me whenever I need to go to a doc, but today was different. Dad had to take care of some work so I was with mom.
Waiting outside the chamber, I kept messaging my bff and my bf, keeping them both updated with the procedures I was to face in some time. Soon the doc called me in and asked me to open my mouth [when Dentists say so, you are not supposed to take it in any other sense]. He sprayed something funny inside my mouth and gave me two injections. I am never scared of injections but the thought of the needle inside my mouth scared me for a moment. Still I had to go through all of it. After giving the injection, he asked me to wait outside. Sitting outside, watching Krish on Star Gold, I realized that no matter what we want or desire, we get only that which we deserve or which is supposedly good for us.
The doc's call interrupted my thoughts and I was in the scary room again and this time for the actual procedure. I still was against the idea of my wisdom to be extracted away from me. But it had to be done. So the doc, with a very weird looking apparatus started pulling out my tooth and in seconds he asked me to get up from the chair and inserted a cotton inside my mouth. The tooth was actually extracted and I felt a little pain, I wouldn't say that I didn't feel anything but it wasn't the hard-hitting pain I was expecting and dreading and what is best, it was over so soon.
The doc asked me to take a few precautions, as in eat anything cold and soft for two days and not to speak too much over the phone for the day. :P I was back home with my wisdom tooth with me and three cups of chocolate ice-cream. :D Oh, its been ages since I have had an ice-cream, on second thoughts, my last ice-cream was in Bhubaneshwar. Even my parents would be happy for the day as they wouldn't have to listen to my nonsense for the day. Lucky parents. :D :P
So now I am one wisdom tooth short. But thankfully I didn't lose my wisdom, atleast whatever I had. And infact learnt a few lessons as well. First, when you go to a dentist, don't look at his instruments, they will only scare you. No matter how many people are there around you to support you, you are the only one who has to face the pain, that too all alone. And everyone has a time and space, just that not everything and everyone have their own sweet time and space in this earth. Also, no matter how hard you try not to speak and open your mouth, you will have to whenever you are hungry. :D :P
So even though I have lost one of my wisdom teeth, thankfully I gained some wisdom for a change. ;) I know I am just underestimating myself but its all in good humour. Will miss you my dear wisdom tooth. Thank you for being a part of me and for bearing me and chewing all the junk I have had all this time. You have been a great support for me. Now that you are gone, I am sure the other teeth will miss you too. :) My dearest first wisdom tooth day out. :)
Life is a tale told by an IDIOT,full of sound and fury signifying nothing...so why bother to read my life???
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Cause it is all about Love...
What is LOVE???!!!
When can one fall in LOVE???!!!
When is the right time for one to fall in LOVE????
Why one always has to fall in LOVE and not rise in it???
Why we always associate LOVE with a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a random crush???
Why do these feelings of LOVE arise in us???
Why do we feel the need to LOVE someone or something???
Well there is a host of questions we can ask ourselves about LOVE, and each of us will
have our own set of questions about it with our own set of answers which obviously will relate to our perception of this phenomenon known as LOVE.
I don't want to look into the dictionary to get an exact definition of Love. Well I am sure dictionaries too will have their own set of answers. But rather I will speak of what I think of Love and what Love means to me exactly and how I feel in and out of Love over time and how Love has rescued me back all the time. There are so many things about Love which I absolutely Love, but first of them is its definition. I believe Love is the ability to understand magic happen in front of our eyes, its that ability which can make us believe in things we never thought could exist. Love is the like, the ability to appreciate even the things which might appear ugliest to a pair of eyes, but for you, you absolutely love and adore them. Love is the ability to look beyond the things and to look through. "I SEE YOU" [Avatar, 2010] It appears to be simple but its the most complex of things one can ever look for. Love is for one and for all, no caste, sex, religion, age, society or community can stop it. It happens without a notice and it can happen anytime. Cheers to LOVE!!!! <3
I don't exactly remember the time I was born or was crying in the lap of my mother. I don't remember being welcomed at home for the first time. I can't recall how I was given a name or when for the first time I learnt to speak and walk. Nor can I remember how many baby-walkers I have broken or how many times I ran about my house. I can't remember staring at the ceiling fan or shivering in the cold with nothing on me except a blanket which too used to hurt me like hell. I don't remember the worried faces of my parents when they thought I would not survive, nor do I remember how my dad used to run about from doctor to doctor just to make sure he didn't miss out on a chance to keep me alive and breathing. I don't remember my mother sitting beside me, watching me sleep and silently praying to God so that everything will be alright. I just don't remember any of it. I don't remember when my first photograph was taken nor do I remember my first dress or shoes, or my first ride on the scooter or the car, for that matter even the train. I don't remember what made it all happen, but even before I could realize the wonders of the world, I was in LOVE. Yes, indeed I was in Love with the kind faces around me, making sure I never went hungry or thirsty, or ever felt the cold, or the heat. I was in Love with my parents- Mom and Dad. I don't remember when or how and why, but I was in LOVE with them. My first LOVE!!!
I remember being angry on my parents when I had seen this photo of me in a garden. I used to be so angry on them for keeping me there all alone, what if something would have gone wrong with me... I know that was very silly of me to think like that, but I felt that they can't leave me alone, but in this supposed photo they had. Silly me had little realized back then that obviously they were beside me and that I was never alone. It was just that I Love them so much that what I saw in the photo was just me and not them beside me which made me all the more angrier, after all I Loved them and they can't be so bad to me. It was for the first time perhaps I realized that I was in LOVE. :-)
Memories have been a great source of strength for me. Whenever I feel lonely or I am sad, I look back to those glorious days, to the days when I was carefree and having the best time of my life. It is all a memory now, but I remember smiling at the pigeon which had come to our house, the dog which dad had bought home. I remember loving the tree at the corner of our house which would be like my second home, and its strong branches would be my thorne. Those sweet guavavas which would as if melt inside my mouth, those flowers in and around our garden, those stray dogs which were more like a family to us. I was in LOVE with everything around me. Those streets, those small roofs which I and Dad would climb once a while to set the antennae right. Those long evening walks, the early morning park walks. Those games with friends, those sleepless afternoons, those picnics, those rainy days when I could get wet. I was in LOVE, and as I look back at these days I realize that I still Love them, maybe time has stopped me from doing all these things but it surely hasn't stopped me from loving the best days of my life. I Love it and will always LOVE it... My LOVE
Class-III and I remember having a dream about this certain guy. This was the first time I realized that Love is meant to happen with a person from the oopsite sex as well. This dream made me believe that I was in LOVE with him. It was nice to have a good time with him, play with him, invite him in my birthday parties and just have a good time. Somewhere around Class-IV or V, my seat was changed and I was to sit beside a guy now. He was a really cool friend of mine and once again I thought I was in LOVE with him, hardly giving a thought about the previous guy. But most of all I believed I was in Love with my childhood friend, my first friend. His mom and my mom were best of friends but over time, due to a number of reasons and bad luck we parted our ways. But only after I came to know about his girlfriend in Class-XII, I, for the first time felt my heart break because I believe a part of me always wanted him to be by my side, a part of me, I think, Loves him. And even though I am sorry for not being even a good friend, I am sorry for losing my first Love. This was the chapter of guys for me in my life when this guy enters in the scenario and claims a hell lot of things. But somehow I knew it was all vague and shallow, even though my own sister wanted me to hook up with him, I knew something just wasn't right and so I broke all my contacts with him. This new guy made me realize that LOVE means a hell lot of things to different people and that not everyone thinks like me, so I better be careful.
Tuffy, my hero is my sweetheart and my true Love. Even though I have lost him six years ago, I remember loving him from the very first day. Even though Goldie and Karvy have always been nice to me, but I somehow feel Tuffy was my best friend and my true Love. I will always miss you, but I know someday, somehow we will meet, and the day I will meet you, I will know it is you. LOVE YOU!!!,always. >:D<
I was really scared to enroll myself in a college, I thought I would lose myself there and whatever I have learnt in school will be gone when I am in college, I will pick up habits and attitude which would only lead to my fall. Though when for the first time I entered my college building, I fell in LOVE with it. SXC, I Love you and I miss you a lot.
Here I met a number of guys on whom I had crushes. Amongst them was the Foreigner, Nature Boy, Red shirt, a few other guys whose names I don't know or remember or even want to mention. Nonetheless, they were all crushes and nothing serious ever happened. Thank God for that.
In my second year, my Class-III crush was back in my life. We were watching movies together, hanging out togther, but never talking so much. But I felt I was in Love. Things were going good until I made them worse. I thought I was in Love, but I was only a problem for him. So my supposed Love ended right there.
It was time for me to move out of college and find a new life for myself. I felt I was all alone when I found someone I could rely on and someone I could love. It was my best buddy, Rohil. He was the most amazing thing that had happened to me after a really long time. He was there in and out, he wouldn't laugh at my stupidities but would always encourage me, would support me and most of all have faith in me. Yes, I was in Love once again. I admired and loved him like small children love those huge teddy bears which we want to have but can't. We would share everything and anything possible on this earth. I would call him my step-mom when he would chide me like a child. And even though we are now so far away from each other, I Loved him, I Love him and will always LOVE him. Miss you so much buddy. Love you.
Love has so many faces and so many meanings. I have loved so many people and so many things over time. For me each form of Love is precious and memorable. And here I am once again in Love. My LOVE for that one guy who has been so patient with me all this while. Its been more than two years now and we are still together[touch wood], this itself tells about the greatness of the guy who has so much patience and courage to still stick around with me. I am a normal human being and my wants and desires I much more simple than me, I just want everything to be perfect, to me my way, the best way. And the sweetest part of this relationship is that even though things are never perfect [according to what I think of perfection], its better than perfection itself. I am so much in Love, and I never ever had thought that I too can be like this. Blushing, smiling, laughing at the silliest jokes possible, sharing, caring, trusting, hoping each day would be something special for each one of us, wishing and praying for the other. Dancing in the room, thinking he is here with me, not singing loudly cause he gets irritated, smiling all the time, thinking that someone is watching me all the time. It is just a great feeling to be with. And this new Love, completely different from what I have felt uptil now. It makes me wonder, hurts me, makes me laugh, makes me go crazy and do things I would have never thought I could have done. In front of him, I am this stupidest, silliest creature imaginable, the child I miss being the most. I laugh and I cry like a Child, I am most pampered by him, I am most loved by him. He knows even the worst part of me and still loves me. And he knows I Love him too. My Loveliest of Loves!!! My dearest Love, it is because of you that the Love I had always looked upto and looked forward to has come so true and alive. I had never thought I could be Loved this way, the way you Love me and the way we shall always Love each other.
And then I Love my friends too, my dear dumb buddies. That doesn't mean that they are not smart, they are the smartest creatures I have known and I feel I am the dumbest around me [in front of some of them atleast]. There is my dear Pallavi, Payal, Ritu, Sharmi, Ajanta, Sonam, Ritika, Amrita, Deep, GG, Pritha, Kunal, Ammu, Samster, Shiby, Jon, Aubhi, Neha and so many more... Love you all guys...
When can one fall in LOVE???!!!
When is the right time for one to fall in LOVE????
Why one always has to fall in LOVE and not rise in it???
Why we always associate LOVE with a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a random crush???
Why do these feelings of LOVE arise in us???
Why do we feel the need to LOVE someone or something???
Well there is a host of questions we can ask ourselves about LOVE, and each of us will
have our own set of questions about it with our own set of answers which obviously will relate to our perception of this phenomenon known as LOVE.
I don't want to look into the dictionary to get an exact definition of Love. Well I am sure dictionaries too will have their own set of answers. But rather I will speak of what I think of Love and what Love means to me exactly and how I feel in and out of Love over time and how Love has rescued me back all the time. There are so many things about Love which I absolutely Love, but first of them is its definition. I believe Love is the ability to understand magic happen in front of our eyes, its that ability which can make us believe in things we never thought could exist. Love is the like, the ability to appreciate even the things which might appear ugliest to a pair of eyes, but for you, you absolutely love and adore them. Love is the ability to look beyond the things and to look through. "I SEE YOU" [Avatar, 2010] It appears to be simple but its the most complex of things one can ever look for. Love is for one and for all, no caste, sex, religion, age, society or community can stop it. It happens without a notice and it can happen anytime. Cheers to LOVE!!!! <3
I don't exactly remember the time I was born or was crying in the lap of my mother. I don't remember being welcomed at home for the first time. I can't recall how I was given a name or when for the first time I learnt to speak and walk. Nor can I remember how many baby-walkers I have broken or how many times I ran about my house. I can't remember staring at the ceiling fan or shivering in the cold with nothing on me except a blanket which too used to hurt me like hell. I don't remember the worried faces of my parents when they thought I would not survive, nor do I remember how my dad used to run about from doctor to doctor just to make sure he didn't miss out on a chance to keep me alive and breathing. I don't remember my mother sitting beside me, watching me sleep and silently praying to God so that everything will be alright. I just don't remember any of it. I don't remember when my first photograph was taken nor do I remember my first dress or shoes, or my first ride on the scooter or the car, for that matter even the train. I don't remember what made it all happen, but even before I could realize the wonders of the world, I was in LOVE. Yes, indeed I was in Love with the kind faces around me, making sure I never went hungry or thirsty, or ever felt the cold, or the heat. I was in Love with my parents- Mom and Dad. I don't remember when or how and why, but I was in LOVE with them. My first LOVE!!!
I remember being angry on my parents when I had seen this photo of me in a garden. I used to be so angry on them for keeping me there all alone, what if something would have gone wrong with me... I know that was very silly of me to think like that, but I felt that they can't leave me alone, but in this supposed photo they had. Silly me had little realized back then that obviously they were beside me and that I was never alone. It was just that I Love them so much that what I saw in the photo was just me and not them beside me which made me all the more angrier, after all I Loved them and they can't be so bad to me. It was for the first time perhaps I realized that I was in LOVE. :-)
Memories have been a great source of strength for me. Whenever I feel lonely or I am sad, I look back to those glorious days, to the days when I was carefree and having the best time of my life. It is all a memory now, but I remember smiling at the pigeon which had come to our house, the dog which dad had bought home. I remember loving the tree at the corner of our house which would be like my second home, and its strong branches would be my thorne. Those sweet guavavas which would as if melt inside my mouth, those flowers in and around our garden, those stray dogs which were more like a family to us. I was in LOVE with everything around me. Those streets, those small roofs which I and Dad would climb once a while to set the antennae right. Those long evening walks, the early morning park walks. Those games with friends, those sleepless afternoons, those picnics, those rainy days when I could get wet. I was in LOVE, and as I look back at these days I realize that I still Love them, maybe time has stopped me from doing all these things but it surely hasn't stopped me from loving the best days of my life. I Love it and will always LOVE it... My LOVE
Class-III and I remember having a dream about this certain guy. This was the first time I realized that Love is meant to happen with a person from the oopsite sex as well. This dream made me believe that I was in LOVE with him. It was nice to have a good time with him, play with him, invite him in my birthday parties and just have a good time. Somewhere around Class-IV or V, my seat was changed and I was to sit beside a guy now. He was a really cool friend of mine and once again I thought I was in LOVE with him, hardly giving a thought about the previous guy. But most of all I believed I was in Love with my childhood friend, my first friend. His mom and my mom were best of friends but over time, due to a number of reasons and bad luck we parted our ways. But only after I came to know about his girlfriend in Class-XII, I, for the first time felt my heart break because I believe a part of me always wanted him to be by my side, a part of me, I think, Loves him. And even though I am sorry for not being even a good friend, I am sorry for losing my first Love. This was the chapter of guys for me in my life when this guy enters in the scenario and claims a hell lot of things. But somehow I knew it was all vague and shallow, even though my own sister wanted me to hook up with him, I knew something just wasn't right and so I broke all my contacts with him. This new guy made me realize that LOVE means a hell lot of things to different people and that not everyone thinks like me, so I better be careful.
Tuffy, my hero is my sweetheart and my true Love. Even though I have lost him six years ago, I remember loving him from the very first day. Even though Goldie and Karvy have always been nice to me, but I somehow feel Tuffy was my best friend and my true Love. I will always miss you, but I know someday, somehow we will meet, and the day I will meet you, I will know it is you. LOVE YOU!!!,always. >:D<
I was really scared to enroll myself in a college, I thought I would lose myself there and whatever I have learnt in school will be gone when I am in college, I will pick up habits and attitude which would only lead to my fall. Though when for the first time I entered my college building, I fell in LOVE with it. SXC, I Love you and I miss you a lot.
Here I met a number of guys on whom I had crushes. Amongst them was the Foreigner, Nature Boy, Red shirt, a few other guys whose names I don't know or remember or even want to mention. Nonetheless, they were all crushes and nothing serious ever happened. Thank God for that.
In my second year, my Class-III crush was back in my life. We were watching movies together, hanging out togther, but never talking so much. But I felt I was in Love. Things were going good until I made them worse. I thought I was in Love, but I was only a problem for him. So my supposed Love ended right there.
It was time for me to move out of college and find a new life for myself. I felt I was all alone when I found someone I could rely on and someone I could love. It was my best buddy, Rohil. He was the most amazing thing that had happened to me after a really long time. He was there in and out, he wouldn't laugh at my stupidities but would always encourage me, would support me and most of all have faith in me. Yes, I was in Love once again. I admired and loved him like small children love those huge teddy bears which we want to have but can't. We would share everything and anything possible on this earth. I would call him my step-mom when he would chide me like a child. And even though we are now so far away from each other, I Loved him, I Love him and will always LOVE him. Miss you so much buddy. Love you.
Love has so many faces and so many meanings. I have loved so many people and so many things over time. For me each form of Love is precious and memorable. And here I am once again in Love. My LOVE for that one guy who has been so patient with me all this while. Its been more than two years now and we are still together[touch wood], this itself tells about the greatness of the guy who has so much patience and courage to still stick around with me. I am a normal human being and my wants and desires I much more simple than me, I just want everything to be perfect, to me my way, the best way. And the sweetest part of this relationship is that even though things are never perfect [according to what I think of perfection], its better than perfection itself. I am so much in Love, and I never ever had thought that I too can be like this. Blushing, smiling, laughing at the silliest jokes possible, sharing, caring, trusting, hoping each day would be something special for each one of us, wishing and praying for the other. Dancing in the room, thinking he is here with me, not singing loudly cause he gets irritated, smiling all the time, thinking that someone is watching me all the time. It is just a great feeling to be with. And this new Love, completely different from what I have felt uptil now. It makes me wonder, hurts me, makes me laugh, makes me go crazy and do things I would have never thought I could have done. In front of him, I am this stupidest, silliest creature imaginable, the child I miss being the most. I laugh and I cry like a Child, I am most pampered by him, I am most loved by him. He knows even the worst part of me and still loves me. And he knows I Love him too. My Loveliest of Loves!!! My dearest Love, it is because of you that the Love I had always looked upto and looked forward to has come so true and alive. I had never thought I could be Loved this way, the way you Love me and the way we shall always Love each other.
And then I Love my friends too, my dear dumb buddies. That doesn't mean that they are not smart, they are the smartest creatures I have known and I feel I am the dumbest around me [in front of some of them atleast]. There is my dear Pallavi, Payal, Ritu, Sharmi, Ajanta, Sonam, Ritika, Amrita, Deep, GG, Pritha, Kunal, Ammu, Samster, Shiby, Jon, Aubhi, Neha and so many more... Love you all guys...
Monday, September 13, 2010
First day of August was a Sunday, and so it was Friendship Day!!!
One of my friends was planning to give her birthday treat for a long long time. So it was finally decided, obviously with the permission of the others concerned as well, that we would meet up on 1st of August,2010, in CC @ Salt Lake for the treat.
I was pretty excited about this whole thing. It was like we all would not just be celebrating the birthday [belated] of one of our friends, but also that we would be celebrating the first year of our friendship. I was really feeling special about this day and was looking forward to it.
I woke up and saw that it was raining. Wow!!! It was going to be fun. So I was all ready for this day. I called up one of my friends to ask if she is coming or not, to my utter surprise she said her mom wouldn't allow her to go out on a rainy day and moroever she had plans with her other friends for the afternooon. I was like Wow!!! After which I added, "That means I will get to see you only after October". She asked why, so I very sweetly replied, "Cause rains will continue till October, you see".
I was not irritated on the fact that she was going out with her other dearer friends, but with the fact that she didn't tell that one person who had invited her about this stupid excuse of hers. And then putting the blame on her mother. I wish I could say F*ck Off, but I was like, what is the use?
Anyways for the birthday treat only 2 people turned up and the birthday girl herself was very upset. But we tried to cheer her up a lot. And after sometime she was fine again. Thank God for that. What was worst was the fact that even her best friend had ditched her to be with her boyfriend and couldn't even inform. Though we were not much concerned about it and enjoyed the treat thoroughly. After which we went to see The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
Taylor, a.k.a, Jason was awesome and "hotter than Robert, a.k.a., Edward". The movie was good and we were stuffed with food. I was sitting beside a very cute couple, I wouldn't say they were old but they were young as well. Though leaving the age factor behind, since I was wowing and hooting for Taylor, whenever he would take his shirt off or appear on the screen, the uncle sitting beside me tapped on my hand. I thought they might ask about the series or something when he politely asked me, "No boyfriend?" Thank God there was no light on my face or else they would have seen I blushed. I didn't answer them back but nodded my head sideways to say a no, when aunty added, "Can understand."
I was like, ooooooooooo...
I wish I could have told them about my love life, but then I wasn't going to. They were really cute people and had made my day so sweet and memorable. Even though I was irritated and angry at the start of the day, but now I was enjoying it.
Also as it was Friendship Day, I was expecting a few of my good friends to atleast wish me through a message or something. But fortunately none of them had time, so I got to know how much I was valued in my friend circle.
I remember 6 years back, a night before Friendship's Day I had lost my best friend and I couldn't do anything to save him. I missed him the most that day and I couldn't even tell others about him cause I know people will call me childish or stupid and immature, but to be honest, He was and will always be my BEST FRIEND. Love you, Miss you My Hero. :-) Wish you were here with me. Will always love you and miss you, no matter how far you have gone away from me, you will always be right here with me, in my mind, my thoughts and in my heart. <3
At the end of the day... it wasn't a "F"ucked up day, as I had chosen to call it at the very start... But it was a beautiful "F" Day, "F"ull of "F"un, "F"riends, "F"amily and "F"ab memories...
One of my friends was planning to give her birthday treat for a long long time. So it was finally decided, obviously with the permission of the others concerned as well, that we would meet up on 1st of August,2010, in CC @ Salt Lake for the treat.
I was pretty excited about this whole thing. It was like we all would not just be celebrating the birthday [belated] of one of our friends, but also that we would be celebrating the first year of our friendship. I was really feeling special about this day and was looking forward to it.
I woke up and saw that it was raining. Wow!!! It was going to be fun. So I was all ready for this day. I called up one of my friends to ask if she is coming or not, to my utter surprise she said her mom wouldn't allow her to go out on a rainy day and moroever she had plans with her other friends for the afternooon. I was like Wow!!! After which I added, "That means I will get to see you only after October". She asked why, so I very sweetly replied, "Cause rains will continue till October, you see".
I was not irritated on the fact that she was going out with her other dearer friends, but with the fact that she didn't tell that one person who had invited her about this stupid excuse of hers. And then putting the blame on her mother. I wish I could say F*ck Off, but I was like, what is the use?
Anyways for the birthday treat only 2 people turned up and the birthday girl herself was very upset. But we tried to cheer her up a lot. And after sometime she was fine again. Thank God for that. What was worst was the fact that even her best friend had ditched her to be with her boyfriend and couldn't even inform. Though we were not much concerned about it and enjoyed the treat thoroughly. After which we went to see The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
Taylor, a.k.a, Jason was awesome and "hotter than Robert, a.k.a., Edward". The movie was good and we were stuffed with food. I was sitting beside a very cute couple, I wouldn't say they were old but they were young as well. Though leaving the age factor behind, since I was wowing and hooting for Taylor, whenever he would take his shirt off or appear on the screen, the uncle sitting beside me tapped on my hand. I thought they might ask about the series or something when he politely asked me, "No boyfriend?" Thank God there was no light on my face or else they would have seen I blushed. I didn't answer them back but nodded my head sideways to say a no, when aunty added, "Can understand."
I was like, ooooooooooo...
I wish I could have told them about my love life, but then I wasn't going to. They were really cute people and had made my day so sweet and memorable. Even though I was irritated and angry at the start of the day, but now I was enjoying it.
Also as it was Friendship Day, I was expecting a few of my good friends to atleast wish me through a message or something. But fortunately none of them had time, so I got to know how much I was valued in my friend circle.
I remember 6 years back, a night before Friendship's Day I had lost my best friend and I couldn't do anything to save him. I missed him the most that day and I couldn't even tell others about him cause I know people will call me childish or stupid and immature, but to be honest, He was and will always be my BEST FRIEND. Love you, Miss you My Hero. :-) Wish you were here with me. Will always love you and miss you, no matter how far you have gone away from me, you will always be right here with me, in my mind, my thoughts and in my heart. <3
At the end of the day... it wasn't a "F"ucked up day, as I had chosen to call it at the very start... But it was a beautiful "F" Day, "F"ull of "F"un, "F"riends, "F"amily and "F"ab memories...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
It was a not so good day in university for me. A Wednesday, the day I was born wasn't going good at all. First it was the shitty overly crowded bus I had to ride in. Then I got a cabin seat, which I don't prefer while travelling in the bus because the women crowd there like anything and don't leave enough space for the others to even breathe in. And then as an icing, they never use a deodrant or wear a perfume. Its so disgusting and you can't do anything about it. So here I was in this horrendous condition where women were pushing each other and stomping on my feet... I had no choice but to sit there and wait for the time I was to get down from the bus. But as my not so good luck was favoring me so very much, the idiotic bus driver was driving at his own leisure, stopping for every damn person on the road, even for those who were least interested to be a part of the crowd inside the bus. It was just irritating, and not just me, there were other passengers in the bus as well who were making good use of their vocal cords by shouting at the conductor and the driver, though it had no effect on either of them.
My one and an half hour journey was becoming a nightmare now cause I was unable to even keep my feet properly over the foot rest as this stupid school girl, on her way for Puja Shopping had occupied that space and no matter how much I was hinting her to shift a little, she didn't even bother to move even an inch. And to add to my miseries, this really sweet looking, though overly healthy aunty got a seat right beside me. I know I shouldn't be cribbing about anything infact but her healthy body was making my sitting more and more uncomfortable, and I was on the verge of falling off my seat. Whenever there was a jerk, this sweet aunty would push me a little harder and then smile. I know it wasn't her fault, but I really couldn't question as to whose fault it really was. So here I was waiting for my joy-ride to come to an end.
But my not so good luck was damn persistent on turning my day into a day full of rubbish and idiotic occurences, when the rains started. Even though I was inside the bus and not getting a free wash out in the rains, the traffic in the roads miraculously increased and there we all were inside a highly slow-driven bus which was badly caught up in traffic jam and it seemed like ages that we had made a progress inside the bus. Finally the bus moved and I reached my stop. I was relieved and in a way happy to be out of the bus and its crowd finally. But as soon as I stepped out of the bus, heavy rains became a new obstacle for me. Thankfully I had my umbrella in my bag so I wasn't going to get wet. Late and a little wet in the rains, I entered the historical institution, Calcutta University.
I was well aware of the fact that I was late for my class. Though I managed running up the stairs and reaching the class when I saw that my friends had failed to keep a seat for me and so I had to sit in the last bench all alone. I was seriously irritated. First the seat in the bus and then here in class. What exactly was God trying to tell me? Or was I over-thinking things? Or it was all just a stupid coincidence? Who knew?
So here I was in the class, at the last bench, sitting with people I have never interacted with. The second class started and this time, just look at the irony of the situation, I was sitting in the first bench, though still without my friends. This time I was sitting with my classmates, atleast I had the privilege of sitting next to those with whom I can interact. Second class ended and we had to hunt down to another classroom for another seat. And this time, I was sitting all alone. No other choice, but had to face it. The fourth class was cancelled off, so decided to go back home. What a relief I felt just thinking about the word Home.
All thanks to my not so good luck, I didn't get any bus and it was pointless waiting there cause all I would have done was to waste time. So I decided to walk down, a walk of fifteen minutes, and from this other stop I would get a direct bus home. So I was walking down and thankfully there was no showers but only a bright sun to accompany me, making me sweat like a pig. I was about to cross the road when I realized that I had missed my bus. "Not again!", I said to myself. But it was of no use. I had to wait and thankfully the next bus came just after five minutes. The bus was crowded so I had given up on the hopes of finding myself a seat there, when the conductor said that in the cabin seat I can get a place. Again the Cabin Seat. I was like, "It is better than nothing". So I took the seat and was minding my own business when I turned to pay for my ticket and noticed this girl sitting beside me.
I was quite sure that she was a Marwadi, as if that mattered cause we already had so much in common. We both were girls, travelling in the same bus and there is something else which I would rather not mention :P . So this thing [let it create an atmosphere of mystery] got me thinking if I should approach her or not, or should I just skip it. But I just couldn't help myself and asked her directly about it. I was sure of one thing, if she wouldn't like my asking, her very first reply would say so. But to my surprise, she replied very sweetly and nicely and wasn't at all offended by it. So here we were two strangers , sitting side by side, talking about a thing which we both could relate ourselves with. But unlike the typical Bollywood masala flicks, we were two girls, both straight [atleast I'm sure of myself], talking, sharing information.
She was younger to me, after all she was just in her first year of college life and I am on the verge of finishing my study life [Gosh, I don't even want to think of studies anymore]. So one thing led to another, and I must say she was a real talker. Even at times I would stop, but she would go on and on about things. In a span of about 40-50 minutes, we had dealt with a host of topics in our conversation. And frankly, we had so much in common. The best being a dislike for the typicals. We had a good laugh about it and irrespective of the fact of who was listening to us or not, we both were enjoying our time together. We were so deeply in conversation with each other that she almost forgot that her stop had come. And so when she rushed towards the gate, quickly adding, "It was nice meeting you", all I could reply was "Same here". And she almost jumped out of the bus, when a lady standing in front of us asked me, "Aren't you going to leave as well". She must have assumed that we were good friends and judging by the way we were speaking, mind you in Hindi, she had expected me to get down there as well. But when I told this lady that I would get down near the last stop of the bus, she got a little disappointed [maybe with her assumption] and went towards the end of the bus, in the hope of finding herself a seat.
So this was my Wednesday, 8th of September,2010. A superbly eventful day for me. Not so rewarding but not so bad at the same time. I do remember you sweet girl and our conversation as well. Hoping to catch you soon in more of bus rides of our lives. Till then I hope you have a great time ahead and also Best of Good Luck for your exams dear. Even though I know your first name, I would not metion about it. Its good that you remain this anonymous person whom I met in the bus and had a great time with. It was only after I had met you that I had actually started to enjoy my day, well the rest of the day. Thank you sweet girl. Wish you lots of love and luck in life. And also hoping that sometime soon we cross each others path, the way we had this Wednesday. Take Care and God Bless!!!
My one and an half hour journey was becoming a nightmare now cause I was unable to even keep my feet properly over the foot rest as this stupid school girl, on her way for Puja Shopping had occupied that space and no matter how much I was hinting her to shift a little, she didn't even bother to move even an inch. And to add to my miseries, this really sweet looking, though overly healthy aunty got a seat right beside me. I know I shouldn't be cribbing about anything infact but her healthy body was making my sitting more and more uncomfortable, and I was on the verge of falling off my seat. Whenever there was a jerk, this sweet aunty would push me a little harder and then smile. I know it wasn't her fault, but I really couldn't question as to whose fault it really was. So here I was waiting for my joy-ride to come to an end.
But my not so good luck was damn persistent on turning my day into a day full of rubbish and idiotic occurences, when the rains started. Even though I was inside the bus and not getting a free wash out in the rains, the traffic in the roads miraculously increased and there we all were inside a highly slow-driven bus which was badly caught up in traffic jam and it seemed like ages that we had made a progress inside the bus. Finally the bus moved and I reached my stop. I was relieved and in a way happy to be out of the bus and its crowd finally. But as soon as I stepped out of the bus, heavy rains became a new obstacle for me. Thankfully I had my umbrella in my bag so I wasn't going to get wet. Late and a little wet in the rains, I entered the historical institution, Calcutta University.
I was well aware of the fact that I was late for my class. Though I managed running up the stairs and reaching the class when I saw that my friends had failed to keep a seat for me and so I had to sit in the last bench all alone. I was seriously irritated. First the seat in the bus and then here in class. What exactly was God trying to tell me? Or was I over-thinking things? Or it was all just a stupid coincidence? Who knew?
So here I was in the class, at the last bench, sitting with people I have never interacted with. The second class started and this time, just look at the irony of the situation, I was sitting in the first bench, though still without my friends. This time I was sitting with my classmates, atleast I had the privilege of sitting next to those with whom I can interact. Second class ended and we had to hunt down to another classroom for another seat. And this time, I was sitting all alone. No other choice, but had to face it. The fourth class was cancelled off, so decided to go back home. What a relief I felt just thinking about the word Home.
All thanks to my not so good luck, I didn't get any bus and it was pointless waiting there cause all I would have done was to waste time. So I decided to walk down, a walk of fifteen minutes, and from this other stop I would get a direct bus home. So I was walking down and thankfully there was no showers but only a bright sun to accompany me, making me sweat like a pig. I was about to cross the road when I realized that I had missed my bus. "Not again!", I said to myself. But it was of no use. I had to wait and thankfully the next bus came just after five minutes. The bus was crowded so I had given up on the hopes of finding myself a seat there, when the conductor said that in the cabin seat I can get a place. Again the Cabin Seat. I was like, "It is better than nothing". So I took the seat and was minding my own business when I turned to pay for my ticket and noticed this girl sitting beside me.
I was quite sure that she was a Marwadi, as if that mattered cause we already had so much in common. We both were girls, travelling in the same bus and there is something else which I would rather not mention :P . So this thing [let it create an atmosphere of mystery] got me thinking if I should approach her or not, or should I just skip it. But I just couldn't help myself and asked her directly about it. I was sure of one thing, if she wouldn't like my asking, her very first reply would say so. But to my surprise, she replied very sweetly and nicely and wasn't at all offended by it. So here we were two strangers , sitting side by side, talking about a thing which we both could relate ourselves with. But unlike the typical Bollywood masala flicks, we were two girls, both straight [atleast I'm sure of myself], talking, sharing information.

So this was my Wednesday, 8th of September,2010. A superbly eventful day for me. Not so rewarding but not so bad at the same time. I do remember you sweet girl and our conversation as well. Hoping to catch you soon in more of bus rides of our lives. Till then I hope you have a great time ahead and also Best of Good Luck for your exams dear. Even though I know your first name, I would not metion about it. Its good that you remain this anonymous person whom I met in the bus and had a great time with. It was only after I had met you that I had actually started to enjoy my day, well the rest of the day. Thank you sweet girl. Wish you lots of love and luck in life. And also hoping that sometime soon we cross each others path, the way we had this Wednesday. Take Care and God Bless!!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Do you see, what I see??!!!
Looking back in time, I can still see myself entering through the green gate of my college building. It was my first day in Kolkata's top college, whose name is enough to make others wonder what special quality one has to have made through the cut. And this year it was going to be special. The college was deemed Autonomous status, a very vital step in the history of the colleges in Kolkata.
I was standing in front of the St.Xavier's College (Autonomous), under Calcutta University, and I was among those lucky few whose names where to be included in the list of being the first ever autonomous batch in the state.
It was indeed a privilege to have been able to be a part of such a great institute. Noone from my family had been able to get through any such good college. I was lucky enough to have been selected in the very first system of merit list and didn't had to face any written examinations or go through the interviews. Xavier's was one of the first colleges to have come up with the merit list system and morover was the first college to announce the name of the students it was ready to accomodate. Since my luck was favouring me I got through even before any of my other friends had. I was so excited and happy, not just for myself but for my family who had done so much for me and all I could do was give them the best I had in me.
I had fallen sick the day the merit-list was supposed to come out. I thought that any of my friends can find it out for me. Even though most of my friends where not in touch with me, things had happened and we had parted our ways even before life had made us stand apart from each other. But Dad was so good to me, he decided to take the car so that I can see the result for myself. I was so glad to have my Dad by my side. He is my lucky charm and I truly believe that. And going through the list, there I was. It was so surprising to see my name on the list and then instead of being happy that very instant I was worried about my friends. I didn't want to be the only one in this new world. But unfortunately none of my other friends had made through the list and I was all alone. I was happy and at the same time a little upset. But I could see Dad was so proud of me. I couldn't find my friends inside the premises of the college that day but saw other people whom I was in no mood to greet. I came back home and told everyone at home. They were all happy and I know proud of me as well. Even though some of my school friends were envious and had spread a lot of rumours, it was the least of my concerns.
As for the first day in college. It was fun and okay. Though I was hoping that here I might find a good-looking guy to pataofy... I was badly disappointed. Though I wasn't disappointed in finding myself Friends. Among the early ones was Arunima Jha and Pallavi Sinha, both from other departments. And I'm glad that I'm still friends with both of them but Pallavi has become a very important part of my life ever since then. But more on this friendship later. :-)
The second day we were given a brief introduction to the rules and regulations followed in the college by Father Eton (the then Vice-Principal of Arts n Sc. Dept.) and Father Mathew (the then Principal of SXC). Everyone was in awe of the college and was eagerly waiting for the next step. We were assembled in a class, which unfortunately for us was in fourth floor. It was a hell of a climb for us finding the room. As soon as we entered the room we found ourselves and here I remember calling out a girl's name, and she was Betsy Racheal Vergese, my first friend in the English Dept. We were all sitting staring at each other and looking at the others who were going to be a part of our lives in SXC for the next three years when our Professors entered the room.
I clearly remember the Professors. There was Prof. Betrum da Silva, better known as BD or Bertie Sir, he was our head of the department and a really good-looking professor though he appeared to be really strict and uptight. Then there was Prof. Dr.Chandrani Biswas or CB, she was so sweet and kind and enthusiastic in welcoming us to the college, trying her best to make us understand the pressures involved in being associated with the first time introduced semester system. But it was all fun until she passed us a copy of our syllabus and daily time table. That seriously went above each of our heads. Then came in Prof. Partho Mukherjee or Pm, Prof. Suchandana Banerjee or SB, Prof. Christina Mirza or CM and Prof. Arjun Sengupta or ASG. They were all going to be a part of our three years long journey in SXC. It was all so fresh and exciting and fun.
We all had dreams in our eyes and we all were looking forward to an awesome three years in this institute. There was smiles in all the faces. People were fighting to take up the first benches for themselves, choosing between professors, whom they liked the best and who wasn't so interesting and so on. There were green benches in the back gate which attracted our attention a lot. There were trees in the playground. We got to play as well whenever there was no class or no substitutes for the professors absent.
As I look back to the initial days in SXC, I remember how happy each one of us was and how great it was to be associated with something so great. But secrectly everyone was trying to find their place in the college. Everyone was trying to form their own groups and circles of friends, breaking the ice between the seniors and the professors. Those were the initial good days of SXC.
...more to come
I was standing in front of the St.Xavier's College (Autonomous), under Calcutta University, and I was among those lucky few whose names where to be included in the list of being the first ever autonomous batch in the state.
It was indeed a privilege to have been able to be a part of such a great institute. Noone from my family had been able to get through any such good college. I was lucky enough to have been selected in the very first system of merit list and didn't had to face any written examinations or go through the interviews. Xavier's was one of the first colleges to have come up with the merit list system and morover was the first college to announce the name of the students it was ready to accomodate. Since my luck was favouring me I got through even before any of my other friends had. I was so excited and happy, not just for myself but for my family who had done so much for me and all I could do was give them the best I had in me.
I had fallen sick the day the merit-list was supposed to come out. I thought that any of my friends can find it out for me. Even though most of my friends where not in touch with me, things had happened and we had parted our ways even before life had made us stand apart from each other. But Dad was so good to me, he decided to take the car so that I can see the result for myself. I was so glad to have my Dad by my side. He is my lucky charm and I truly believe that. And going through the list, there I was. It was so surprising to see my name on the list and then instead of being happy that very instant I was worried about my friends. I didn't want to be the only one in this new world. But unfortunately none of my other friends had made through the list and I was all alone. I was happy and at the same time a little upset. But I could see Dad was so proud of me. I couldn't find my friends inside the premises of the college that day but saw other people whom I was in no mood to greet. I came back home and told everyone at home. They were all happy and I know proud of me as well. Even though some of my school friends were envious and had spread a lot of rumours, it was the least of my concerns.
As for the first day in college. It was fun and okay. Though I was hoping that here I might find a good-looking guy to pataofy... I was badly disappointed. Though I wasn't disappointed in finding myself Friends. Among the early ones was Arunima Jha and Pallavi Sinha, both from other departments. And I'm glad that I'm still friends with both of them but Pallavi has become a very important part of my life ever since then. But more on this friendship later. :-)
The second day we were given a brief introduction to the rules and regulations followed in the college by Father Eton (the then Vice-Principal of Arts n Sc. Dept.) and Father Mathew (the then Principal of SXC). Everyone was in awe of the college and was eagerly waiting for the next step. We were assembled in a class, which unfortunately for us was in fourth floor. It was a hell of a climb for us finding the room. As soon as we entered the room we found ourselves and here I remember calling out a girl's name, and she was Betsy Racheal Vergese, my first friend in the English Dept. We were all sitting staring at each other and looking at the others who were going to be a part of our lives in SXC for the next three years when our Professors entered the room.
I clearly remember the Professors. There was Prof. Betrum da Silva, better known as BD or Bertie Sir, he was our head of the department and a really good-looking professor though he appeared to be really strict and uptight. Then there was Prof. Dr.Chandrani Biswas or CB, she was so sweet and kind and enthusiastic in welcoming us to the college, trying her best to make us understand the pressures involved in being associated with the first time introduced semester system. But it was all fun until she passed us a copy of our syllabus and daily time table. That seriously went above each of our heads. Then came in Prof. Partho Mukherjee or Pm, Prof. Suchandana Banerjee or SB, Prof. Christina Mirza or CM and Prof. Arjun Sengupta or ASG. They were all going to be a part of our three years long journey in SXC. It was all so fresh and exciting and fun.
We all had dreams in our eyes and we all were looking forward to an awesome three years in this institute. There was smiles in all the faces. People were fighting to take up the first benches for themselves, choosing between professors, whom they liked the best and who wasn't so interesting and so on. There were green benches in the back gate which attracted our attention a lot. There were trees in the playground. We got to play as well whenever there was no class or no substitutes for the professors absent.
As I look back to the initial days in SXC, I remember how happy each one of us was and how great it was to be associated with something so great. But secrectly everyone was trying to find their place in the college. Everyone was trying to form their own groups and circles of friends, breaking the ice between the seniors and the professors. Those were the initial good days of SXC.
...more to come
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