Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Tulips...

I didn’t want any flowers, I only wanted 
To lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. 
How free it is, you have no idea how free—— 
The peacefulness is so big it dazes you, 
And it asks nothing ...

These amazing lines from Sylvia Plath's famous poem - TULIPS have been haunting me for quite sometime now and I thought it is time for me to write about them. 

As a school kid, I would always be fascinated with any names beginning with the alphabet T. Well in all honesty, I love myself, my name and what I am. And since my name begins with the alphabet T, it was only but natural for me to look for names beginning with the same alphabet. And amongst the many names I heard, one name appealed to me the most. I know it is a mere coincidence, but somehow the name Tulip stayed with me. And I love the sound of it. The mere word being associated with a flower, made it all the more special. And here I was in High School, reading a poem about the same name I loved so much. But this is no happy poem. Let me not go any deeper to the mood and current situation of the writer. But the above mentioned lines, they somehow stir something inside of me and make me feel so at peace and yet so uncomfortable at the same time. And here I am trying to understand what these lines mean to me in particular.

Living in an eternal state of nothingness would be such an boon. I wish I personified in this very nothingness. Away from all the shams and falseness of the people and the world around me. Maybe an invisible beam, who sees all, perceives all but feels nothing. Slowly but steadily I am moving towards this very state. Let's hope and pray I achieve this state as soon as possible. I am done with everything and everyone around me. I feel like exploring a new city, exploring myself a little more and not having to make anymore friends. I want to give up on the very social norm of having to meet people and having to greet them, put on this fake smile and pretend everything is fine when nothing ever is. I hate people with no depth, no backbone and no common sense. I am so irritated with everyone around me, that lately I have not been able to think straight. But it is time, I change that and I come back to being myself. Definitely not in office, but away and out from that cursed place, I know I enjoy my company and I love spending time with myself. Why waste time and money on those who don't even care. I know for sure I love myself.

I guess I said a lot more than I was supposed to. Some of it would have made sense, most of it would have been just words with no meaning at all.

To the time we meet again.

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