Monday, October 24, 2011

And I still can Dream!!!

Weird dreams have I encountered lately. Not just has the sleeping time increased for me but these weird dreams keep me wondering what is in store of me in the future. Well for a change future seems to me scary but in these dreams of mine it was kind of exciting and adventurous. So let me try and get into the tit bits about my dreams.

This dream I had earlier was about a cruise ride or something of that sort. I was with my family, and it felt as if I was back in Andaman and Nicobar Islands but then somehow it was much different this time. The ocean was huge and dangerous; the ship I was in was humongous, and it seemed to be dancing on the ocean bed where very interestingly there was tall column of pillars and it had these images sculpted on them and it felt as if the columns belonged to the Greek. I even heard the name of Zeus being uttered by someone and there was a male figure with flowing hair which occurred to me. I climbed down what seemed like a bridge but actually was the ship, leaving my family behind me and felt closer to the water and could feel it on my body as well. As soon as we got down from the ship I saw this huge gate close behind us and I was walking across a garden and met a family whom I had not met before and introduced them to my family and we kind of planned a day out together.

This dream was very weird and I just couldn’t get the head and tail of it. Yet I was there and sometimes I was scared, especially walking down the ship, and at times I was happy and excited and while sitting almost near the bottom of the ship I remember feeling sad. And the image of the male figure is still so clear to me that I cannot explain.

This second dream I had was all the more weird. I am supposedly in Delhi with 3 of my other friends. Only one friend can I recognize among the 3 and the rest 2 still remain a mystery to me. However I remember clearly that we were a group of 2 guys and 2 girls. So I see that we are standing in this weird office which is supposed to go through our closet to determine whether or not we will get an id of being a Delhite. Since none of us were Delhite, we pretended that we were and got our closets out and there was a huge truck and my closet had all my belongings and two suitcases and stuff like that. There was a female officer who was questioning us about many things and even after we filled the forms and got our pictures clicked for the ID, my other friends got scared and decided to leave their belongings and leave. I kept asking them not to do so or else we would not get this card, but they left. I even asked the authorities to hurry up and make the card because if my friends leave I will have to carry my closet myself and it will really be difficult while I have such a long way to go and even the metro would not accommodate me. I don’t know exactly how that argument was settled but the next thing I know is I am on a plane going somewhere, seemed like Dubai but it was more of Europe I believe. So anyways we go to this university where we are to stay. And also by ‘we’, I don’t mean the 3 friends about whom I mentioned earlier, now it was a huge group of people who had traveled so far with their ids. I got to see three of my old school and college mates in this university and was surprised to see how much they had changed over the years. Especially the girl from my school who was supposed to be so shy, was now daringly wearing a short dress and kept her hair lose and looked quite good. Not only I but another of my school mate, who also was in this trip and yet didn’t talk to me much, she also was surprised. Next I ran up to meet a nurse or was she a doctor exactly I don’t remember to ask whether or not we were to get vaccinations since we were tourists and their might be certain amount of precautions which need to be taken. But she replied in negative and asked me how I know of the procedure; I proudly claimed that I had seen it in lots of movies, well for real I can’t remember any such movie. Nonetheless she was impressed by my knowledge and said she would ask the authorities and would let me know if any such thing was meant to be done. By the time I returned back in the lobby area everyone was scattered since rooms were allotted to each one of us. However in the list my name and that id number were missing. So I contacted the reception and they said I have a special room only for me. It was like a trailer kind of room, very small though very spacious. I remember the cool cabinet which had drawers and had place to hang my clothes and also had space to keep my 2 suitcases in an orderly manner. It was really interesting. Later we all got ready, though I only saw myself leave the university to go out and take a look around the campus and get a hang of things.

At this point I was made to forcefully wake up since it was almost near the end of the day and start of the afternoon and it was time to wake up. In this dream all I felt was confused, happy, excited, surprised and feelings like that.

Both the dreams were very confusing and weird for me even today. Lately so many things are going on in my mind, I wonder if they are manifestations of my own sub conscious mind. Yet I don’t get logic in any of the dreams. Am I supposed to go on a foreign holiday or am I supposed to look out for certain interesting happenings in the near future? There are so many things I can and yet I cannot make out of my dreams. Yet I seriously wish to go on a trip and have the time of my life. Till then cheers to me, my crazy life and my weird dreams!!!

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