Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Prince Charming

It was really fun to go through my personal diary which I used to maintain few years back. To read my thoughts, to read about the days which are gone yet have somehow managed to stay in my memory, has made me smile, laugh and even cry a bit. However these few lines caught my attention. Written in the eve of 11th of April, 2009, I didn’t quite knew about the elaborate plans God had for me. And today looking back at the pages made me realize how well God has listened to each of my prayers and not just that He has send the answers as well. Love You Bhagwanji for everything You have done for me. It has been so great to realize that You are there with me no matter what happens. These lines here are a dedication to my love, Ron. I hope you enjoy the stupid lines I had written two years back.

I want someone who can look after me
Who will ask me to stay when it is time to leave.

I dream of a Prince Charming by my side
Who will see the sadness behind my smiles,
Who will patiently listen to me when I want to cry,
Who will be absolutely and purely divine.

Someone for whom my heart can shine.
Someone for whom I can create stupid rhymes.
Someone who doesn’t have to be a silly hero
Someone for whom my eyes can glow.

I want someone special in my life
Someone for whom I can also die.

Love you my dear. You are special indeed and I know that there can be no one like you ever in my life. I cherish each day, each moment spent with you. I cherish the smiles and the eyes which seem to make me blush every now and then. You are the one. I love you now and forever. :)

1 comment:

Poulomi Bhadra said...

Yipeeee!! Yipeeee!! AM so happy for you Tripz..... hope this happiness and love is yours forever... Lucky you!!!