Tuesday, December 23, 2008

S Feet.......

Lots and lots of things are at present going on in my mind.
Strange beings have I encountered lately and I wonder how we all exist simultaneously maintaining a harmony in the world and at the same time making it difficult for some to even breathe in the same air.
Too many things I have to handle simultaneously now. And yet I am so optimistic about everything. At times I seriously wonder how a person can keep on going like this. I must possess some super powers for sure. No full stops or any more bus-stops to sit and rest. Somehow things are too dynamic to be static anymore.
Don’t know what else to say. Just hoping to see the best of tomorrow with a better today. :-)


Poulomi Bhadra said...

hmmm.....blurry of thoughts...life's on fast lane....hold on, baby....it's all a phase....will pass soon....ultimatyely nothing comes of it anyway....it's all written, planned, odne long time...it's just happening now....

My Memories _|_ said...

strange beings :O

who r dose >>??

Ruchira Mandal said...

Oh you get used to the strange beings. And sometimes I find it very suffocating to think that my life may be written by some other Power and I may have no control over it. It's the old free-will and predestination debate again, darling. Once you become a literature student, you are done for it. Umm, sorry, that's no way to talk at the beginning of the year. Happy New Year.