Saturday, August 11, 2012

This is all I can take...

For a change I wish life was simple. All these complications, the miscommunications, everything seems to get on my nerves. If someone is talking loudly beside me it feels like someone’s stabbing me with a sharp knife slowly, very very slowly. I don’t know why but it seems like I am running out of escapes these days. No matter how much I try and keep myself calm, things somehow are just not working right.

I am losing my mind literally. I don’t know who I can talk to and discuss because no matter what people will think I have gone crazy. And right now I am feeling nothing less than super crazy. I just cannot keep my mind occupied with anything. I am losing interest on just about everything. I guess I have been successful in confusing Bhagwanji Himself that even now He has no solution left for me and so I am left on my own to perish on my own. This was going to happen someday or the other and I guess the time has come finally.

I know whatever I right now will make no sense. But frankly that is how I am feeling right now, senseless…

See you all later then, when I am successful in gaining my senses back. Till then live and perish in craziness.

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