Sunday, January 1, 2012

An Angel Face...

It was one of those many days,
When I felt like going all away
And yet I was here, waiting for my turn,
Looking around faces unknown, just for some fun.
It was then that something bright caught me by surprise
Right around the room, at one corner he stood and smiled.
A face so sweet and so innocent
I could feel his happiness and it was so pleasant.
His perfect smile so subtle and angelic,
His eyes sparkled when he looked towards me.
It was surprising to see how he kept on smiling
Disappointed, just to realize that it wasn’t for me.
The smile so special and so very precious
Went across me to someone he truly treasured.
It was his life which he had smiled upon
It was his wife who was standing around.
His child slept peacefully in her arms
I am sure he too will have his father’s smile so warm.
So this is how an angel face came alive
Just to add to my sweet memory of a sweet smile.

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