I had a dream so real...it made me smile, and it made me feel, those things which I have always dreamt of and when I close my eyes they still are here... ♥ :)

But I have to share it somehow and what better way than to blog about it so it stays with me forever. :-)
It was around 5’o clock in the evening when while playing with Dodo [my dog] I fell off to sleep and that too on the floor. And then I saw him so clearly in my dream for the first time. It was so shitty real that even when I am thinking about it, it doesn’t feels like all this must have happened to me in a dream. It all still feels so real to me.
So as I was fast asleep I saw he was sitting in our house and smiling so shyly. It was so cute. And then Phoolmani di came up to him and offered him something to drink which he politely accepted and asked for me. I don’t remember where exactly I was standing, because the place from where I entered didn’t seem anything like my house. But since I was eyeing on his moves and was listening intently to whatever he was saying, I smiled as soon as I heard my name and perhaps even blushed a little. I am telling you this was all very real to me and it still is. Then I entered the room and our eyes met and in instant things changed as if. I was all smiling smiling and he was doing the same thing when we both looked up to the door and saw mom enter the room. He was politely answering to all the queries mom had and was smiling shyly as well. I could see it so very clearly and as I recall it now it appears to be so real.
I asked him to come up with me so that I could show him the house and when we got up, I am very sure that it wasn’t my house anymore. Anyways as we were passing from one room to another there came a moment when we were all alone. And it was a chance for me to hug him so tight and it felt as if my whole world can crumble that very instant and it wouldn’t matter at all. I felt that everything I had asked for was with me finally. The hug is still so much on my mind that I can’t believe that it was in my dream. After that I obviously wanted to kiss him and like a perfect angel he denied saying we shouldn’t do things behind the back of our parents. And I made a silly joke that I hope he wasn’t considering on kissing me in front of my parents. :D To this he said that I should stop joking and be serious and understand what exactly he means by that. This not just made me happy but I could also see why I loved him so much and to tell you the truth, my love towards him increased a little bit more. ♥
That is where my dream ended but it was no dream for me. It all stands so very real that I can still feel it. Love u dear. I don’t really know what is there for us in the future but I seriously love my present with you. :-)
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