Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So many afternoons have gone
So many days I was left alone.
Little did I realize it until now,
Things aren’t the same somehow.

My initial wish was to avoid him completely
But the desire to see him once again arose so urgently
That there was no other way left out
For me to consider over it or about.
My Greek God, majestic on his throne
Looked so perfect yet so forlorn.
His perfect smile and his greeting of a simple Hi!
I wished that very moment I could have died.
But I felt at ease around him this moment,
At times mesmerized by his sweet innocence.
Oh! Now I remember how I had smiled and blushed
Every time he looked my way or passed by me in a rush.
I felt like being that stupid once again
But somehow I waited for my confidence to regain.
And surprisingly we shared a joke or two
And the sarcasm couldn’t hide his self so true.

Alas! I turned towards the prettiest damsel in town
Surprised and pleasantly shocked, she looked around.
Her cold nature appeared so cool today
I just couldn’t picture her any other way
She looked a little pale and somehow so young
Just a sweet thing and pretensions were none.
We had a great chat and she seemed so concerned
Lastly all she did was invite me for her concert.

A pleasant day it was for me
To be back in the once magical land
And to be amongst those who had cared
And today somehow I bother to share
The most expensive feelings I have
For those who would no longer be there.

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