Sunday, November 8, 2009

The girl who came here to stay...

The empty streets call her today.
The missing beggar at the corner of the street,
The street lights dim in the month of May.
Will she ever walk again this day?
Will they see her face in dismay?

Those sign boards on those closed doors,
Those voiceless hawkers screaming some more.
Far across this deserted street, she stands,
All alone, not ready yet to cross over
But something calls her out once again.

In a trance shed walks past the empty bar.
She forgets to stay and pay her regards
And walks straight, across the yard.
She walks with little hopes in her heart,
Then why does she stop? Stop so far?

Can she go any further with such a pace?
Can she tell the time with a tickless clock?
She knows what she does, or can she not?
There she goes again, without tears now
But why does the voice still call out to her so loud?

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